Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Preventing Violence in Schools

How can schools effectively handle and prevent violence in schools? The potential for school violence has been increasing for years. Being a parent as well as a future teacher this is something I definitely think about and am concerned about. I wanted to research ways in which this can be prevented. Teaching children as well as staff and parents to pay attention to what is going on is a way to prevent school violence. In many circumstances in the past children as well as adults had knowledge of concerning things but didn’t know the potential of what could happen or who to talk to about this. Parent involvement in many ways can deter children from acting violently at school. Although parents do have other responsibilities than their children like working, if you spend time with your child you reduce the risk significantly that they will be involved in school violence. When you spend time with your child it increasing their self esteem and as you get to know your child you can guide them in the right direction. I liked this particular strategy in preventing school violence because I see many parents who do not for many reasons give their child praise and attention they need. I think as families and as a society we need to look at this and change this. Parent involvement has a huge impact on child development. Another way to decrease school violence is to foster involvement in the schools. This promotes the idea of team work and people working together. This is more likely to promote working together of children who have different economic statuses or who are of different races. This promotes acceptance. There are many more strategies I have not talked about. Not every strategy will work in every situation and you definitely have to consider the needs and situations of your students when you are deciding what could be effective in preventing school violence.

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